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Describe the Product

Wedever ("wed-ever") is a listings site for Singaporean couples to find wedding venues and estimate the cost of their wedding.

Why are you selling the business? 

I’m selling the site as I’ve not had the time to improve and maintain it, though it has potential to grow.

What is included in the sale?

I am selling the entire site, and will help make introductions to partner venues I have personally met (there are some whom I’ve not met in person yet).

What is the technological stack?

The site is built on Django and makes full use of the built-in admin panel, so non-technical people can still maintain it. It is hosted on PythonAnywhere.

What actions are required to keep the business working?

While the venue details are generally consistent, the packages usually change on an annual basis, so for the best user experience ideally verify and update the listings at least once a year.

How does the business generate revenues?

We have a free Basic tier, and a Premium tier which is chargeable.

What marketing initiatives have been used for this business?

Most of our traffic is via organic search, we have not tried much paid marketing (so there is an opportunity there).

How can the future owner generate more revenues?

There are many venues which are still on Basic, and I think a good way to convince them would be to build analytics, so they are aware of what position they appear in our listings and the impact on their lead generation. There is also opportunity to expand (1) deeper into weddings different types of wedding vendors e.g. photographers, florists, (2) into other types of events e.g. corporate functions, product launches, and (3) into other countries.