Get Better Luck is a job aggregator with simple, yet powerful filters.
Get in touch with the owner to discuss the tech stack, market size, or just make an offer!
Low owner involvement SaaS opportunity for an accessible price. Combine ad networks, track impressions and block bots for more ad revenue.
Coronaodds is a coronavirus - healthcare curve visualizer. It’s the only corona dashboard that actually helps you visualize the curve by country/state. The #flattenthecurve hashtag is a very popular topic and coronaodds offers a solution to visualize it. The dashboard will also show you the % people that have the virus, the mortality rate and more. The website hasn’t been monetized yet but the response on social media has been fantastic. With just minimum promotion it generated 4000 pageviews and growing.
LiveWorkFit is a retreat business providing trips for online entrepreneurs, freelancers, digital nomads and remote workers who want to work hard, be healthy and explore new places.