
  • MRR $260
  • Profits $255
  • Asking price Make offer
  • Users 10
  • Subscribers 2500

Describe your product

We are generating press coverage for small businesses by sending a custom generated pitch to up to 2500 startup and business journalists.

Why are you selling the business?

We are lacking the time and creativity to keep the business running. We generated a little hype around the platform, but we want the platform to succeed and get to the next level.

What is included in the sale?

The web platform, including some marketing bots and automated sending.

What is the technological stack?

A Django app with Stripe and PayPal Integration. We also have some automated bots running which reach out to new startups and send the pitches to journalists. We use SendGrid to send mails.

What actions are required to keep the business working?

Advertising and Marketing.

How does the business generate revenues?

We offer three different pricing tiers.

What marketing initiatives have been used for this business?

Posting in Indie Business forums and on Reddit. We also used our own software to reach out to journalists and generate a little hype.

How can the future owner generate more revenues?

  • Get more people on the platform
  • Retarget buyers for upselling
  • Add more features to the platform