It’s a German News Web Site, It’s have a lot of news post inside, and they are without copyright taken from another web sites around world. Normally I am using in this web site newsomatic wordpress plugin, it’s taking from all news web sites news to this web site. Also this project have confirmend Adsense account. I want to sell it because, my partner left me and only he can speak deutsch very well. If you buy this project for minimum price, you can add seo text news inside and it have visitors every time. You will earn money with euro.
I cannot care and update my web site project. I dont know the deutsch language. I have very much different web site projects. Because of that ı want to sell.
The domain name “” + hosting + web project files and all rights. + provided google adsesn account analitik etc. via gmail adress.
Only ıf you want you can buy newsomatic wordpress plugin its enough for posting every day auto news. Also I think better Idea if you can hire one content writer.
Affilate and Adsens advertisment.
Social media ads and keywords.
If the owner hire content writer for it, its %100 working earning money with euros.
Get in touch with the owner to discuss the tech stack, market size, or just make an offer!